It was not to be. Half a day later, the lights stopped working. It seems that one of the wires was loose. Our Christmas tree stayed un-illuminated for quite a while. Don't worry, Tesco supplied the replacements.
Coco: Here is a picture of our epic Christmas tree, we think it has been tastefully decorated. The time and effort which was taken to skillfully place each bauble and arranging the lights. It took four of us to make this vision of our tree come to life. I would like to take this time to thank everyone who was involved in it's creation.
Let Me Explain.
Please do not judge us on our curtains. There is a short story about them. One day the Lord of the Land came to fix somethings that didn't open (the windows, no joke). He made a comment that we took the curtains down. The only reason why we did this was because I'd washed them and they where hanging on the door drying. He told us that his sister designed the print for them, when she was at... dum dum dum, The Scottish School of Textile & Design. We kind of had to put them back up.
But there is a big but, I think I shrunk them by like half a metre, but we cant remember the original length of them. I think they were floor length, others think they were just a few inches longer. I'm still pretty certain that they were floor length, which makes it even funnier. Also one other thing, this was all written in a whisper, so don't say to anyone.
Here is a pic of the curtains so you can get the full intensity of the swooshy, spirally print. Enjoy.
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